
Abstract: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) increase risk for suicidality. School connectedness can be protective, whether it buffers the negative effects of ACEs across ethnic backgrounds is understudied. Results: More than 40% of students reported ?1
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research
Developmental psychopathology processes pertinent to underserved ethnically diverse youths may not always coincide with those relevant to youths from nondisadvantaged groups. This article reports on the young adulthood assessment (fourth wave; April 2013
Resource Type: Research, Resources
How’s Your Haal? This report is a summary of the conversations we held as part of our initiative, How’s Your Haal? (‘HYH’). The HYH Project is the WA chapter of a national youth leadership program administered by the Australian Multicultural Foundation (‘AMF’) and is funded by the Australian Government, Department of Social Services. The purpose of this program was to bring young people together to develop an intervention strategy to address an issue of concern within our collective context.
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources
Health is a human right, for everyone. Multicultural lived experience is the missing voice in the Australian healthcare system. Evidence shows that health services co-designed with the people who use them, are more effective. Australia is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse nations in the world. Multicultural lived experience is a large missing voice.
Region: Australia
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources
Article about People of Colour Mental Health and Wellness Apps. Faced with a pandemic and racial violence, people of color have created apps and organizations to support marginalized communities.
Medium: Research
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources