
Orygen believe that all young people deserve to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Everything we do is focused on that outcome. Our research is world-leading, impactful and creates change. Working directly with young people, their families and friends, we pioneer new, positive approaches to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. We advocate. We make sure that policy makers understand the need and cost of mental ill-health in young people. We educate. We use our research and evidence-based practice to develop innovative training programs and resources. Our goal? To see young people with mental ill-health getting well and staying well. Now that’s a revolution in mind.

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Orygen believe that all young people deserve to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Everything we do is focused on that outcome. Our research is world-leading, impactful and creates change. Working directly with young people, their families and friends, we pioneer new, positive approaches to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. We advocate. We make sure that policy makers understand the need and cost of mental ill-health in young people. We educate. We use our research and evidence-based practice to develop innovative training programs and resources. Our goal? To see young people with mental ill-health getting well and staying well. Now that’s a revolution in mind.

CALD Projects: Designing mental health services for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds: Young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds commonly face a range of barriers to accessing services that are not experienced by Australian-born young people. These two documents were produced by the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) to assist commissioners and service providers to better support the mental health of these young people.

The Literature Review outlines the key determining factors that influence the mental health and wellbeing of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. It identifies the enablers and barriers to implementing good practice approaches to improving mental health and wellbeing and provides an outline of the relevant frameworks that have been implemented in Australia. CMY then consulted extensively with young people, service providers and PHNs to explore their perspectives of mental health services. These informed the creation of the Good Practice Framework to provide practical guidance in designing mental health services for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Working with cultural diversity in early psychosis factsheet