
How do health services engage culturally and linguistically diverse consumers? An analysis of consumer engagement frameworks in Australia
Region: Australia
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources
Photovoice as a promising public engagement approach: capturing and communicating ethnic minority people’s lived experiences of severe mental illness and its treatment
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources
Beyond translation: Engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse consumers
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources
Leading by example. Desai, P. (2017). Leading by example. Australian Mosaic: The magazine of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, Summer 2017, 32-34.
Region: Australia
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources
Article - What diverse mental health care should look like. The author acknowledges their own privilege but underscores the importance of having mental health practitioners who understand and are trained to address the unique issues related to one's ident
Region: Australia
Resource Type: Advocacy, Research, Resources