we are solis

A capacity-building, support & resource network for culture-oriented, multicultural mental health advocates & practitioners.

centrepiece is a logo with intricate patterns, collage in background includes Black and Asian hands making heart and watercolour paint, spices

We are stronger together

Members of solis often worth with other organisations, funders and Government funders to improve access to culturally appropriate mental health supports. 

Some of our recent successes include:

Establishing the Australian Institute for Diversity in Mental Health (AIDMH) promoting cultural humility and responsiveness.
❤️ HeartChat for those who speak languages other than English to read and understand information about mental health.
We keep building our directory Culture x Mental Health Toolkit drawing inspiration from various mediums worldwide.
Cultural Diversity – Read the Label! Language Forum & Report explores  terms like ‘CALD’ and ‘multicultural’, among others

Dumplings Against Depression event and celebration inviting community perspectives on wellbeing and supports
Add a resource you love to our Toolkit. It can be a video, article, tool or framework. Even people you follow that inspire your work

About Us

Who we are

We are a community of practice that brings together a group of interdisciplinary multicultural mental health advocates and professionals – who hold positions “both inside and outside the community.”

How we navigate complexity

We are led by a Think Tank that guides and contributes to the activities of diversity and intersectionality in mental health – both internally and in relation to the wider sector. This allows us to provide nuanced expertise around policies, issues, or ideas that increase cultural humility and sectoral cultural responsiveness.
Group photo of 50+ people

Get Involved with us

You don’t have to carry the load alone.

Join a diverse and inclusive group of practitioners and advocates, share your experiences, and improve multicultural mental health in Australia.
watercolour teacup illustration

With so many commitments competing for your time, maybe you’re reluctant to add to your plate. Perhaps you’ve been here before. Your heart is in the right place, but you’ve taken on too much and burnt out.

We’re with you. We’ve been there, too, and because of this, we’d like Solis to be different.

We know that life happens and sometimes we say yes, only for our circumstances to change. Just let us know, we’re right there with you. We’re all volunteering our time and energy in this space and sometimes need to hit pause to protect our own well-being. Moreover, we believe that your well-being comes before anything else – after all, we can never give from an empty cup.

With that in mind, there are many ways you can be involved, with each requiring a different time commitment. We’re flexible and happy to be led with what works best for you!

Ways to connect with us

Read about what we are about and how we came to be
Our About us page provides a summary on what we do, as well as some of the folks involved.
Read of our collectively-developed Acknowledgement of Privilege
It looks to ensure intersectional safety and humility are at the forefront of our work.
Fill out our Solis Membership Directory form
By registering you will get added to regular meetings, learn about events and projects. We can add you to our WhatsApp.
Join our Linked-in group
We are still growing on the professional platform, but you can request to join the Linked-in group here
Join our Think Tank

Our Think Tank is a community of practice for multicultural (and culture-oriented) mental health advocates, professionals and humans!

As folks who hold roles and positions “both inside and outside the community”, this space is for you to share experiences and resources, to work collaboratively in addressing the silos that exist in this work and to help build each other up as we work toward increased cultural humility in our work.

white solis logo

Solis culture & mental health

Solis focuses on supporting the specific practice, professional development and uplifting of multicultural mental health practitioners and advocates, and their work, which in turn feeds back into the outward facing work of AIDMH and the broader sector.
Provide expertise and advice
Promote training & professional development
Resource and project development
Guest speaking or presentations
Naarm, Australia
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